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Table 1 of 2

Asset Amortization Smart Edge & Smart Edge Plus SmartSelf & SmartSelf Plus Alt Doc
For Borrowers Who: Are unable to secure tradition- alt lending Qualify with 12 mo. bank statements
Max LTV 95% P/RT, no MI
Plus: 85% w/derog
80% CO, no MI
Plus: 80 % w/derog
90% P/RT, no MI
85% Cash Out
Max DTI 50% 50%
W2 Current Paystub Yes Optional
Tax Returns – 4506t Yes No
Derogatory Credit Seasoning 4yrs (Plus Program:
4yrs (Plus Program:
Mortgage History 1x30x12
(95% LTV & Plus:
(Plus Program: 0x30x12)
Asset Amortization Allowed Allowed
Max Cash Out $1M $1M
Use Cash for Reserves Yes (Plus Program Only) Yes (Plus Program Only)
Minimum FICO 620 620
Financed Properties Up to 15 Up to 15
Loan Terms Fixed 30,ARM 5/1, 7/1, 10/1 withoptionalInterestOnly;Fixed40InterestOnly(ExcludingSmartVest) Fixed 30,ARM 5/1, 7/1, 10/1 withoptionalInterestOnly;Fixed40InterestOnly(ExcludingSmartVest)
Pre-Pay Penalty None None

Table 2 of 2

Asset Amortization SmartFunds Asset Qualifier SmartCondo Non-Warr. Condos & Condotels
For Borrowers Who: Qualify using eligible assets Condo doesn’t meet agency guidelines
Max LTV 90% Purch/RT
85% Cash Out
90% Purch/RT
(Condotel: 80%)
80% Cash Out
(Condotel: Not Permitted)
Max DTI Not Calculated 45%
W2 Current Paystub No Yes
Tax Returns – 4506t No Yes
Derogatory Credit Seasoning BK, FC, SS, DIL:
BK, SS, DIL: 4yrs
FC: 5yrs
Mortgage History 1x30x12: P/RT
0x30x12: CO
Asset Amortization Asset Qualification Allowed
Max Cash Out $1M $500k
Use Cash for Reserves No No
Minimum FICO 680 660
Financed Properties Up to 15 Up to 10
Loan Terms Fixed 30,ARM 5/1, 7/1, 10/1 withoptionalInterestOnly;Fixed40InterestOnly(ExcludingSmartVest) Fixed 30,ARM 5/1, 7/1, 10/1 withoptionalInterestOnly;Fixed40InterestOnly(ExcludingSmartVest)
Pre-Pay Penalty None None

New Rez:

Sarah DcDowell
Direct: 318-502-2255

Scenario Desk:

Susanna Carouthers
Direct: 330-338-7785

NewRez Scenario desk:

email smartscenariodesk@newrez.com and MGoldman@NewRez.com (always CC Goldman)

NewRez Condo Review Team:

email projectreview@newrez.com and MGoldman@NewRez.com (always CC Goldman)

Smart Edge Guidelines

SmartSelf Guidelines

SmartFund Guidelines

SmartCondo Guidelines

Initial Disclosures

SmartEdge info

SmartSelf Info

SmartFund Info

SmartCondo Info

Scenario Tool

Current turn times



Policies and procedures

Lender Guide